Caitlin Loree
Caitlin joined AUDA in 2018 but first became involved with Ukrainian dance in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the age of 4 when she I danced with Zoloto Ukrainian Dance Company. Caitlin is extremely grateful to have been instructed by Keris Matskiw who taught her everything she knew about Ukrainian Dance before she joined the Ukrainian Shumka Dancers. She has been dancing with Shumka for 8 years and she also currently teach Ukrainian Dance in Vilna, Alberta. Caitlin loves the friendships and appreciation for the culture she has gained through Ukrainian dance. She also loves learning and being able to teach and inspire her students while also getting a fun workout in. Caitlin’s favorite Ukrainian dance region is Bukovynian because she enjoys dances that involves lifts and jumping very high. She absolutely adores Shumka’s Mosquito’s Wedding costumes as she likes the details. However, Shumka’s Nutcracker is her favorite show to dance in because she gets to be different characters and bring the fairy tale story to life.